Ask Ali: Thoughts about inspiration Part Two

In a previous post, I talked about where my inspiration comes from, as it isn’t always art but rather ‘the arts’ in general and I wanted to talk about the second on that list that I published (you can find the original post here) which is live performance.

I’ve used the term live performance loosely because, for me, it has to cover all sorts of things. I think everyone can appreciate that when you see a new band, a ballet, or a piece of theatre, it is thrilling and incredibly inspirational but I would like to talk about a very specific part of seeing something live as it might resonate with you too.

The bit that I love the most is the millisecond before it all begins. When the lights go down or the orchestra breathe in the play the first note or the crowd goes quiet before the biggest cheer can be heard, that split second where anything is possible. I honestly live for that moment when my eyes are full of wonder when my chest is pounding and the expectation of what I am about to witness lies ahead of me, if it could be bottled I would buy it and drink it in deeply every single day as it feels like fuel to my creative soul when I can lose myself in whatever I’m about to experience.

Of course, the performer will fill me with admiration at what they do, I’ll hear a new lyric, or see a costume or laugh my socks off and that is also fabulous inspiration to take away with you, but there is that delicious moment in the still of my expectation when I believe that anything is possible and I could conquer the creative world.

I hope you know what I mean by this and I would love to know if you have ever taken the time to acknowledge it too. I’ve got lots of shows and gigs booked in this year with so many tickets that I’ve had to create a spreadsheet so I’m looking forward to experiencing that very addictive moment more than once in 2024.

I’ll be back next week with another new Ask Ali, so until then, may you be filled with inspiration for your creative projects, Ali


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